This item is a transcribed interview of a current Carleton student, addressing the international spread of the pandemic, social isolation, and social barriers despite being in the age of technology.
Andes Central School public signage outside the school's main entrance. The signage warns the town to "Stay Safe" and announces an imminent Board of Education meeting on at 7pm on May 21st.
An early e-mail update from Barefoot Dance Center in West Park, NY, explaining that it will continue to function mostly as normal but with increased attention paid to health and safety concerns related to COVID-19
"I go on a lot of walks with my family. It's the only real sort of outlet we have outside the house. By far the best part of quarantine is having a little longer time with them. I thought the days of me being fully part of the family were over when I…
This photograph, taken on April 15th, 2020, captures the public-facing signage utilized by the Elting Memorial Library to communicate changes in operation to community members due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The front page of the Elting Memorial Library (New Paltz, NY) website, which illustrates the ways in which the library seeks to continue serving the public amid the COVID-19 pandemic.